Robert Hartsook, a resident at Marquis Hope Village, is an Air Force veteran who served as a Corporal in the 8th Air Force Unit at the end of World War II and the beginning of the Korean war. When the Hope Village staff wanted to honor Bob for his service this past Memorial Day, they turned to Quilts of Valor, an organization that awards hand-made quilts to service members and veterans.
Pegge Tone, a quilter in Milwaukie, Ore., was thrilled to provide a quilt to honor Bob, and made plans with Courtney Hohensee, Activities Director, to attend in-person to present the award. It was an emotional moment for both Bob and Pegge. He was moved by the recognition of his service and sacrifice all these year after the wars. Pegge was excited to be able to visit in person, as the physical distancing due to COVID-19 made her passion to provide quilts for seniors and veterans more challenging to express.
Bob says his proudest military accomplishment was “working on being able to unload soldiers in seconds instead of minutes, and also when my son joined the military and became an officer in the Army.” Bob’s son was able to join the Memorial Day event via zoom, and Bob was grateful to share that special moment with him.